Today, 1 July 2024, is pub day!!!

🇳🇱 Liever vijf sterren onder mijn krent, dan een miljoen boven mijn tent (2e, herziene druk)

🇬🇧 Luxury is a (Steefproof) choice

Mark Owen missed out on his chance to get the first copy of my book in English… But my mission will not stop. There will be another chance and maybe even a better one. This special package will be waiting for you in Maastricht 🇳🇱. Another five years if it must be 😂 I’ll probably have a new one by then but anyways.

One lesson learned: always be prepared for the unexpected 😜

If YOU want to Make This Book Yours, send me a DM!

Your Twisted Sister 😘

Meer Steefproof

You are not alone

In The Fandom, we are not alone. We meet people from different countries, total strangers but we all share one love together: Take That. It’s

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